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“If there is one thing all of us should be good at is that we should be  ourselves because other people cannot and should not dictate who we are”

If knowledge is power, then wisdom is the key to life. I’m AJ Canonizado and I will be dedicating this blog to share success and positivity to everyone. All of the content on my site is provided by me. I am an extrovert for others and an introvert for myself. I am a book with unfinished pages.

This blog is dedicated to sharing success and positivity. Our time here is short so we should be happy in each and everything that we do and I’m happy by sharing it to others.

OUT OF THE CLOSET | OUT OF THE BOX is a clear representation of me as as a brand.  I am out of the closet and my thinking is very outside the box. We have different perceptions of things and that is what I am capable of, looking at things in multiple perspectives and ideas.

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