The Power of Information

The Power of Information
“The power of information is not by what we have gained, it is on how we use it”
How much power do you have? Are you powerful financially? Do you have control over things? I’m not talking about the physical power but more so the power of information.
Information has been passed around from generation to generation. The most common form of information came from words or symbolisms like the Egyptians who used hieroglyphs to share information about their past for example. They used drawings and symbolisms to depict how they lived their lives. They may not be in the direct language that we speak today, but they do hold the power of information as there are people who study the ancient languages in order to understand more of the world and how it came to be.
The information that we learn and understand is mostly understated because most of the time, we listen, read and think about it, but how often do we really try to understand why they happened like that and what we can learn in order to avoid mistakes in the past. In my own quote, “We must learn from the past, in order to live in the present while looking out for our future.” the first statement is the foundation of what information and knowledge is. It is true that the past holds important knowledge that was written and recorded in order to be used yet we do not try to learn from it.
When you’re cooking a specific dish for example, how do you know which ingredients to use and what steps to take? Before I knew the basics of cooking, I wanted to cook something simple so I started with Adobo. The person who I knew could cook well was my mom so I asked her which ingredients to use and how to cook it. I was able to cook it because I was able to gain the information that was needed. We have a plethora of ways in order to find out things, and not just about cooking. That’s why our parents want us to study well in school. It’s because they know that the more information you know, the more things you will be able to do. The lessons we learn in school are limited however, it is still up to us on how we use the skills we learn and get creative in how we gain them.
In order to be successful in what we want to do, we must be willing to learn these skills and try different things. I’ll go back to my example in cooking Adobo. My mom taught me the basics so what do I do know? I try to add something or exchange different ingredients in order to change the way my food tastes. We can try using different ingredients immediately however, if it doesn’t taste good, we might just have wasted our time and effort. It pays to read and learn more about which ingredients to add or which ones not to use. We can get this information by asking people or reading about it. The true power of information is not just by having it; but by how we use it.
The information that we learn teaches us to improve ourselves as well as getting out of our shell by trying new things. In order to live in the present, we use the information that we have gathered to improve our lives and the things we do. In order to look out for our future, we must try new things in order to expand our knowledge. That is when we take the information that we have and try to come up with new things in order to have a broader view in things. The next step is to find out how we will be able to pass on the knowledge that we have gathered to the next generation. I’ll leave that up to you because for me, I already started.

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