The Value of Humility

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“The value of humility tells us that despite our differences, we are all equal yet unique”

Are you humble? How do you define being humble? Would you do something to hurt others and benefit yourself? If there’s one value that I’m always thinking and trying to do always, it’s being humble.

How does one define being humble? To me, humility is not thinking that I am above others. The moment that you think you are above others, that is when your downfall starts because we have the tendency to become to full of ourselves; thinking we are better than others because of what we can say or do. I have known and met people who think a little bit too much of themselves where they are blinded by who they are, where in fact, they are already stepping on someone else’s lawn and are even proud of it.

I am only human. I cannot be 100% humble all the time because there are things that I am proud of doing that I want to show off to other people. I became a better freehand artist so I am proud of it and I want to share what I can do to others. It was only recently where I’ve learned that we shouldn’t be proud of the things we can afford, but of the things that we can do, we have done and we have achieved, but not to the point of being too proud. Before, I was proud and arrogant of the things I have so I focused too much on having material things. I was already hindering myself from learning other things because my whole mind revolved around the things that I possessed.

I have also noticed that there are people who are willing to step on other people just to achieve what they want in order to feel better about themselves. It may be spreading rumours, attacking or even physically hurting others or their possession however, there are consequences that come with these actions. We are already thinking that we ourselves are better than others and we want to prove it however that is not being humble. We say that we are humble however, our actions tell otherwise.

Being humble is thinking and understanding that despite our differences, we are equal yet unique. We are equal because there is no need to think that we are better. We are better when we prove not to others but to ourselves that we are humble. It is harder to prove to ourselves of what we are because of what other people say. We are unique because we are not defined by what other people say but what we say to ourselves. People may say that we are not good but we don’t have to prove it to them. Once we prove something to ourselves, others will follow.

I keep thinking about the film Evan Almighty where Evan Baxter, portrayed by Steve Carell, was tasked by God (Morgan Freeman) to build an ARK because a flood was coming. What stuck to me was how they defined ARK as One Act of Random Kindness and it speaks the truth. When we do acts of random kindness to others without asking for return, we prove to ourselves that we are humble by thinking that everyone deserves a helping hand and proving to ourselves that we are humble.


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