The Assertion of Intro and Extroversion

The Assertion of Intro and Extroversion

“Human interaction is a basic human need that people think can be unnecessary but it’s not. It’s what makes us human. If we didn’t need it, we might as well be robots with no feelings.”

Would you rather stay home or go to a party? Do you feel the need to always have someone with you, wherever you go? Are you an introvert or an extrovert? You are both.

You are mixture of both and being an ambivert is a different thing. An ambivert is someone who has a balance of both introversion and extroversion. The word that defines being an ambivert is balance and not everything can be balanced, especially our personality. No one is fully and introvert or extrovert because that would be close to impossible.

An introvert is someone who prefers to be by themselves instead of being with other people. If you are an introvert, people would usually describe you as a loner, independent, shy, reserved among other things. However, you cannot fully be an introvert because you need human interaction. If you avoid human interaction in all cases, people will start to assume negative things. The same can also be said for an extrovert who people usually describe as outgoing, dependent, outspoken or sociable and more. Extroverts are generally more acceptable by society because they are synonymous to being honest while introverts would be synonymous to secretive.

I am more of an introvert than an extrovert because I usually like spending time alone and I enjoy it because I get to do the things that I like. I become an extrovert when I need to go outside and be with people. People call me an introvert because I have needs and likes that often times seem boring to them like reading, strategizing, and making up ideas and so on. I like to think that I am independent because when I need to get something done, usually, I can do it by myself.

In my experience, I get to understand and find out things better if I do them myself. I learned how to cook by watching my mom and doing it myself. I usually ask for advice on how to make my food taste better but it’s my decision to use it or incorporate it into what I am cooking.  I am a naturally curious person so I like knowing about things by either experiencing them first hand or reading.

What I want you to understand is that you need not be defined of what people say about you. If you know who you are and you are not stepping on someone else’s lawn, then you’re good.

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