The Greatest Betrayal

The Greatest Betrayal

“We point fingers at others in order to avoid pointing to ourselves, knowingly that we could have avoided pointing in the first place”
Has someone betrayed you before? What did you feel after feeling betrayed? Were you able to do something about it? What if I told you that there is only one betrayal that anyone can’t handle and it’s shockingly true.

Betrayal basically means that there is a violation of trust, contract and confidence amongst individuals or organizations. The greatest betrayal that we can feel is the betrayal of our own body. It may sound strange to you but your curiosity will push you into further understand why it’s our body and not other people.

If you trust your body into thinking that you can do something and it is unable to do it, it’s already betrayed you. If you were born with ailments or complications like blindness, underdeveloped body parts or maybe even our appearance, your body has already betrayed you. From the moment you were born, till the moment you die, you are depending on your body for you to be able to do what you want to do and it is your job to take care of it.

I find it hard to believe that people blame something or someone because they have something they can’t do.  If you are overweight or underweight, you blame the food that you eat. If you have an ailment caused by something that you intake, you blame other people but you could have done something before in order to avoid that problem in the first place. If your company fails, you blame other people because of what they did not tell you. People like pointing fingers because they can’t accept the fact that maybe, just maybe, what they did was because of their own decision of not doing something beforehand in order to avoid it. You blame your boss if you were not getting the compensation you think you deserve; they will blame it on their boss and so on and so forth until the boss blames you for not doing your job right. You see? Like to point fingers because we want to avoid pointing it back to ourselves.

There may or may not be factors that we cannot fully control but in the end, it is up to ourselves to be able to decide what we are going to do. I have this saying that goes Learn from the PAST to be able to dwell in the PRESENT while looking out for the FUTURE“.  This quote means that we need to learn from what happened before so we can know what to expect in the future. In tagalog, “Matuto tayo sa mga nangyari sa nakaraan upang hindi na maulit sa hinaharap”.

The best example that I can give you is when you have a disease. If you have a disease you have a risk in losing yourself. How do we know if we have a disease? We learn it from the doctor, where the doctor will tell you after a check-up. They will prescribe you medicine or even surgery that is going to cost you. You will now blame the doctor because they are charging you a lot and they are just doing their job. If you could have avoided your disease before or at least prepared for it, you could have done so before. The only thing stopping ourselves is our tendency to be lazy. The greatest betrayal is our body and we can do something right now to avoid problems in the future. Think about it, could you have done something before that could have avoided your situation right now?

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